Battles in Albion Online

Battle 180177234

Time (UTC) Players Kills Kill Fame Winning Alliance Losing Alliance Duration Killboard Time Line
18.01. 16:25:08     10   3   183 514 WMD 00:01:30 180177234 180177234

Winners Losers Other Participants
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
WMDDescendants of Asgard730183 510
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
R1seStar day1010
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
WMDDescendants of AsgardLaikike11042 018
WMDDescendants of AsgardMatejiu0042 018
WMDDescendants of AsgardxTrabka0042 018
WMDDescendants of AsgardMorek1321014 364
WMDDescendants of AsgardxScpx1014 364
WMDDescendants of AsgardHetaa0014 364
WMDDescendants of AsgardXotuzo0014 364
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
R1seStar daymrak2034010