Battles in Albion Online

Battle 253827245

Time (UTC) Players Kills Kill Fame Winning Alliance Losing Alliance Duration Killboard Time Line
14.06. 08:44:29     10   5   653 034 N0PE QUEUE 00:00:49 253827245 253827245

Winners Losers Other Participants
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
N0PEDanmed110130 605
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
QUEUEPendolino130130 605
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
No Pain - No Fame110130 605
BYEDancing on the grave2020
Hei Nu Gong Hui2020
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
N0PEDanmedsaBz1RRa10130 605
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
QUEUEPendolinoszalonaEwela30130 605
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
No Pain - No FameAnalCapitan10130 605
Adten00130 605
sery2600130 605
BYEDancing on the graveAaaaGq010
Hei Nu Gong HuiChennng010
Hei Nu Gong HuiSUNOFBICH010
BYEDancing on the gravealex2nder010
KFPGW2 HOWLdownwithmaozi010