Battles in Albion Online

Battle 47780487

Time (UTC) Players Kills Kill Fame Winning Alliance Losing Alliance Duration Killboard Time Line
19.08. 17:33:54     16   8   564 194 OOPS KP 00:04:36 47780487 47780487

Winners Losers Other Participants
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
OOPSYaga130234 623
OOPSScoiaTael313137 527
OOPSMad And Bad1010
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
KPR O N I N10113 265
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Sangre Y Almas11013 265
1GScelti10013 265
inbox10013 265
SlNTormentor12113 265
VaTaAncient Beast1010
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
OOPSYagaMosna30234 623
OOPSScoiaTaelPodejrzanyS11137 527
OOPSMad And BadNodiarHUN010
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
KPR O N I NBarracuda0113 265
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
BlackIKaiser1055 733
Saque0055 733
Sangre Y Almaswarlove791013 265
1GSceltiBalao0013 265
Kuranzito0013 265
inboxsatamo0013 265
SlNTormentorJaromila2113 265
VaTaAncient Beastblacksex010