Battles in Albion Online

Battle 68191685

Time (UTC) Players Kills Kill Fame Winning Alliance Losing Alliance Duration Killboard Time Line
26.02. 12:17:52     10   5   216 500 NKVD 00:00:51 68191685 68191685

Winners Losers Other Participants
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
The Comanche541205 524
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
NKVDCommissariat51410 970
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
The ComancheDelmik3051 381
The ComancheFavoretka1051 381
The ComanchePeppka0051 381
The Comancheszao0051 381
The ComancheHohotyn010
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
NKVDCommissariatHailrakee002 194
NKVDCommissariatVashGospodin112 194
NKVDCommissariatDarkHybik012 194
NKVDCommissariatLealy012 194
NKVDCommissariatxZelution012 194
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame