Battles in Albion Online

Battle 750842707

Time (UTC) Players Kills Kill Fame Winning Alliance Losing Alliance Duration Killboard Time Line
21.03. 23:38:51     9   6   3 247 330 SEND 00:04:24 750842707 750842707

Winners Losers Other Participants
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Total Players Total Kills Total Deaths Total Kill Fame
0 0 0 0
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Redness Crusaders4241 283 935
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
SENDEscaIation130597 333
Alliance Guild Players Kills Deaths Kill Fame
The Jackals110597 333
DRAWCHILLY100597 333
E H O T101171 388
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
Redness Crusaderslingxj21347 505
Redness CrusadersDou11001347 505
Redness Crusaderscancanneednews01347 505
Redness Crusadersxiaoxino01241 420
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
SENDEscaIationArturRexona30597 333
Alliance Guild Player Kills Deaths Kill Fame
The JackalsRuslic10597 333
DRAWCHILLYAlcoAnton00597 333
E H O TJesterOfDeath01171 388